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A passion for storytelling drives all my visual and verbal work. I have written magazine features, press releases, product copy, marketing materials, elevator stories, web sites, interactive training programs, corporate communications, infographics and comic strips. While I'm fine with just doing the words, my experience as a designer, illustrator and photographer allows me to cut overhead on projects by wearing extra hats.


  • Marketing and Communications Director for Oakland First Fridays and nonprofit Community Benefit District which produces it.

  • Offsite Editorial Director for Bowen & Bowen, Ltd, Belize's largest beverage distributor

  • Editor and Art Director of Ohio University alumni magazine

  • Taiwan correspondent for Asia Magazine, with a circulation of seven million in five Asian countries

  • Degrees in journalism and English language and literature

Elevator stories
Chan Chich Lodge
Informational brochure
Fundraiser announcement
Product announcement to retailers
Sales catalog (words and design)
Technical writing
Radio ad
Memorial plaque

All site contents © Mike Woolson or his clients

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